
East Lancashire Railway

Visiting the East Lancashire Railway for the running of Flying Scotsman, on a cold, dark and damp January morning was always going to be a bit interesting. The main attraction was late getting to the station due to the supporting engine failing, the Flying Scotsman has to run with a supporting engine as hasn’t been line tested. An hour later, and hooked up to a Diesal the Flying Scotsman came into the station tender first, which was a bit of a shame but it still rolled down the line past me and got some snaps.

Went down to the other end while they where being connected to the carriages and few more photos with the masses, watching the train set off was one point not to use the camera while all the wheels of Flying Scotsman slowly spun while looking for traction.

For the day started at the viaduct between Heywood and Bury, and worked my way back up the line, stopping at various spots to try and pick out a spot among the masses. The bridge in Summerseat still looking a bit worse for the wear, so that was passed up and I found spot coming into Ramsbottom near Haslingden Cricket club to get a few snaps of the train coming boiler first.


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